Home Finance Tips How to Block Opay Account if phone or Atm Card is Stolen

How to Block Opay Account if phone or Atm Card is Stolen

How to Block Opay account
How to Block Opay account

Hello, have you lost your Phone which has your Opay account logged -in on it?, Have you Misplace your Opay ATM Card or it’s been Stolen?

In this post i want to teach you how to respond to these situations and how to block opay account if your Phone or ATM Card is Stolen or Misplaced.

First Step to Take

So, whatever situation you find yourself in, be it that you lost your Opay ATM Card or you Lost your phone entirely, One thing you should know is you must act fast.

This doesn’t always mean that your money will be stolen immediately, hmm… Maybe it actually can be Stolen very quickly if it falls into the hands of a professional who is very tech savvy.

But you don’t really pray for it to fall into evil hands, do you?. All together, you need to act quickly, So follow the Steps below.

How to block Opay Account if Phone is Stolen or Misplaced

If it’s your Phone that has been Stolen or Misplaced, You need to Get ANY OTHER PHONE Close to you and carry out this steps Below.

  1. Dial *955*131#,
  2. After dialing, Two Options will Come Up, 1. To Stop Debit Transactions and 2. To Resume Debit Transactions
  3. Select the No.1 Option to Block any Debit Activity on your Account.
  4. On the Next Screen Choose (Others) if you’re Using another person’s Phone
  5. Then Enter your 10 Digit Opay Account Number. Then Proceed.

And that should do the trick, all Debit Transactions on your account will be Blocked, which means your money cannot leave the account even if someone else has gotten access to the account.

Note: To Unblock if your phone is Found, Simply Follow the Same Process and Select the No. 2 Option, then Follow the Prompts.

How to block Opay Account if Opay ATM Card is Stolen or Misplaced

Now, If it’s your Opay ATM Card that has been Misplaced or Probably Been Stolen, then you need to Follow the Simple Steps Below, to Block it and Deny any Debit Activity on it.

  1. Simply Dial *955*132#
  2. After Dialing you Just Need to Follow the Prompts that comes after.
  3. When you’ve Followed the Instructions and it’s Successful
  4. Your Opay ATM Card will be Block and your funds will remain secured in your Opay Account.

That’s all on How to block Opay Account if your Phone or Opay ATM Card is Stolen or Misplaced, If you have any Complaints or Errors during this Process feel free to drop it in the Comments Below and I’ll Respond to you with Help.


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